CBML - Key Persons

Dr. Howard Seiden - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Dr. Howard Seiden has an MD and MSc from the University of Toronto; is a Fellow of the International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators and the College of Family Physicians of Canada; Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto; Medical Advisor to The Hudson's Bay Company, The Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, U.S. Departments of State; and a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner. He is President of Seiden Health Management Inc. and Canadian Benefits Management Limited. Dr. Seiden's professional practice includes: medical aspects of human resources, medical-legal assessments, attendance management, regulatory medicine, health and safety, impairment/disability assessment, special situations and crisis consultation. As a paralegal he can provide advice and representation when appropriate. Dr. Seiden is an informative and entertaining speaker who covers a variety of topics including: managing attendance/absenteeism; workplace accommodation; mental health - an overview of psychiatry; chronic pain; independent medical and functional assessments; controlling STD and LTD costs - how to manage your providers; and planning for special situations like H1N1.