CONVERT23 - Key Persons

Baxter Garcia - CTO

Job Titles:
  • CTO
  • Member of the Convert23 Team
  • President of Mind 's Eye Research
Baxter is President of Mind's Eye Research and Consulting where he is currently involved in several leading edge software development projects. He is a former professor at Manhatten College whose research interests included medical imaging, scientific visualization and digital imaging. Baxter invented and patented a "virtual reality " 3D vision system using spatial offsets and frame delays for the medical industry in 1995. The algorithms he developed are the basis for the Convert23 technology. He holds a BS in Physics from the University of California at Berkley an MS in Physics from York University and a Bio-Medical Engineering PhD from the University of Toronto.

Gordon Orsborn - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Member of the Convert23 Team
Gordon held a number of sales and marketing management positions with IBM, Memorex, Data Products and Storage Technology before becoming involved in the high tech start-up business. Initially he was the Sales and Marketing executive on a turn-around team for a major venture capital firm where he helped guide the sale, merger or shut-down of several troubled start-ups. He subsequently co-founded and managed two successful bootstrap high tech start-ups. He has a BS degree in Industrial Design from the University of Southern California and MBA from Santa Clara University.

Jack Battaglia

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Convert23 Team
  • VP Business Development
Jack has many years experience in Sales and Marketing for several leading consumer electronics companies including Memorex, Tandy and Dazzle. He held a number of positions at Memorex and subsequently at Tandy where he was GM with worldwide responsibility for the Memorex product brand. He built the Dazzle brand of consumer video products taking the worldwide revenues from under $1million to over $120 million in five years. Most recently he was co-founder of Zio Corporation where he built the US and European sales channels for its video software and hardware products. He went to Long Beach State for a BS in Organic Chemistry and participated in the TCU Professional MBA program.

Larry Pyle

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Convert23 Team
  • VP Software Development
Larry led early data managment software development programs at Memorex and Shugart Associates before starting several successful data storage hardware companies. He subsequently served as VP of Engineering for a number of venture backed data communications turn-arounds. Larry was a founder and president of Lago Systems a data storage hardware company acquired by Storage Technology. Since then he has developed a CIM software application, an on-line data communications training progra and a remote temperature sensing and control system. Larry has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from the University of California.

Peter Fiekowsky

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Convert23 Team
  • VP Engineering
  • President of AVI
Peter, president of AVI, has an BS degree in physics from MIT. He worked in infrared astrophysics at NASA Ames, before moving to the Fairchild Artificial Intelligence Lab in Palo Alto. He founded Automated Visual Inspection, to build visual inspection systems for the semiconductor and other industries. AVI has worked on projects and provided key technologies for start-ups in a wide range of industries including LCD inspection, genetics, X-ray imaging, the printing industry, and medical imaging. He has focused on photomask metrology technology since 1996. He holds twenty six patents for image processing techniques