EARTHECON - Key Persons

Gerry Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Associate

Jay Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Analyst
  • Associate
Jay Anderson is an efficient analyst known for his clear and concise writing style. He earns the trust of decision-makers by being open and credible. His expertise lies in using economic tools to analyze policies that relate to natural resources and the environment. Jay specializes in environmental policy, forest and natural resource economics, cost/benefit analysis, and carbon markets. His recent work has included reports on topics such as carbon offsets, cropland conversion, bioethanol technologies, and forest carbon protocols. Jay has over a decade of experience in applied economics. Prior to his graduate studies, Jay worked as a field forester for six years. During his graduate studies, he was awarded a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Jay is a Registered Professional Forester (RPF), and is a member of the College of Alberta Professional Foresters, and the Canadian Institute of Forestry. He holds a PhD in Forest Economics and a BSc in Forestry, both from the University of Alberta.

Marty Luckert

Job Titles:
  • Associate

Sharon McKinnon

Job Titles:
  • Associate

Vic Adamowicz

Job Titles:
  • Associate
Vic Adamowicz offers over 25 years of experience to EarthEcon clients. His research includes topics such as the economics of endangered species, water quality and supply, and valuation of environmental quality changes. His consulting work focuses on natural resource damage assessment, regulatory impact analysis, and economic impact analysis. Vic has completed consulting contracts for government agencies worldwide, and is known for his collegiality and problem solving. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2007, and is also a Fellow of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. He was awarded the Canadian Institute of Forestry's Canadian Forestry Scientific Achievement Award in 2004. Vic is also a member and former Vice President of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. He holds a BSc with Distinction in Agriculture and an MSc in Agricultural Economics, both from the University of Alberta, as well as a PhD in Agriculture and Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota.