EXACTLY WWW - Key Persons

Adam Montague

Adam lives in St. Louis in a large house with his wife, four kids, one housemate, two dogs, one cat, one turtle and an endless stream of people coming and going. Though a closet introvert, he loves people and always tries to find a way to remind himself and those he interacts with that we are all human and we can love that about each other. He likes to play games, relentlessly trying to integrate technology and life, and building things out of wood. If you find yourself in St. Louis, let him know and he'll gladly buy you a drink!

Shane Bishop

Shane lives in Montana with his wife, two kids, and three dogs. He loves finding new ways to help folks make their site faster with less hassle. But when he's not working on web performance, you'll often find him out at the local disc golf course. Always looking for that next ace!