Updated 1 day ago
- Age: 20 years
- ID: 10145796/149
FEDWASUN was established in 2004 as a representative organization for drinking water and sanitation user's organizations of Nepal. Common forum among users committees was felt even before 2004 and district level federation was formed in some districts in western and eastern regions. Rural water supply and sanitation policy 2004 opened the way to form a national wide federation for water sanitation users. Objectives of FEDWASUN are to improve harmony between Users Committees/organization, to exchange knowledge and experiences, to develop inter relationship between local level and national level organization for right and benefit of the people, to maintain coordination for sustainability of safe water and sanitation services, to identify gap between policy and implementation and draw attention of government, to maintain cooperation between water and sanitation sector agencies and users organizations, to make users organization aware of all related rules and regulations and support them..
Also known as: FDWASUN