FILMLOOK - Key Persons

Anna M. Cordova

Job Titles:
  • Member of Women in Film
Anna M. Cordova was born and raised in the Southern California area and holds a business degree from California State Polytechnic, Pomona. She also graduated cum laude with a degree in manufacturing from the Fashion Institute of Design and Manufacturing (FIDM). Ms. Cordova began working in the film industry when she started working with Robert Faber, her current business partner at FILMLOOK, Inc. They soon became experts in the world of video production and soon found a way to shoot video with an unprecedented and unique technique that surprised the world of film professionals. In 1989, they started FILMLOOK Inc. and their patented process became known as FILMLOOK®. Since Ms. Cordova and Mr. Faber entered video production from outside the typical Hollywood film industry, their concept of making video look like film was not readily accepted. This stubborn viewpoint created a challenge for FILMLOOK, one that they would eventually overcome with amazing success. Providing the infrastructure to build FILMLOOK to be one of the leading post-production facilities in Hollywood, Ms. Cordova managed the operations, administration, accounting and client relations. She also developed an intensive marketing strategy, which has been an integral element of FILMLOOK's progress and success throughout their many years Ms. Cordova is a member of Women In Film, American Film Institute, National Association of Latino Independent Producers, REEL Ladies, NATPE, and Indie Producer.


Job Titles:
Mr. Faber was born and was raised in Boston, Massachusetts. He holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and has worked in numerous electronics, technical and engineering capacities throughout the past 30 years, including several top corporations such as Lockheed Aircraft, Spacelabs, Inc., and Loral EOS. Mr. Faber started on the actual design for FILMLOOK in late 1987, and began building the prototype in the spring of 1988. With the help of his partner, Anna Cordova, and their friends, the FILMLOOK process was unveiled to the entertainment industry in 1989 and FILMLOOK Inc. became a post production service. Soon thereafter, he applied for a U.S. patent on the process which was issued in June 1990. Later he developed a concept for a 24-frame progressive video camera and in January 1992 another patent application was filed and later awarded in August 1994.