JOLADE - Key Persons

Dr. Michael Kolawole

Dr. Michael Kolawole is our Principal consultant and Managing Director, and has held adjunct and visiting Professorial appointments in Australia and Nigeria. He earned BEng and PhD in Electrical Engineering, respectively, from Victoria University Melbourne and University of New South Wales, Sydney. He also earned a Master of Environmental Studies from the University of Adelaide. Michael is a distinguished engineer, inventor, an experienced project and research leader with knowledge across a broad range of business and technology environments. Michael is a scholar of the highest international standing who continues to make major impact in his field with the ability to teach and inspire others. He continues to be an active researcher, publishing in international reputed journals, and in supervising undergraduate and graduate students, and post doctoral fellows. He has published more than 50 papers in technical journals; 25 industry-based technical reports covering design, performance evaluation and developmental algorithms; has overseen a number of operational innovations; holds 2 patents; and is the author of Satellite Communication Engineering, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002; Radar Systems, Peak Detection and Tracking, Oxford: Elsevier, 2003; A Course in Telecommunication Engineering, New Delhi: S Chand, 2009; and co-author of Basic Electrical Engineering, Akure: Aoge, 2012. Michael has received a number of distinguished awards for his research excellence, including the Australian Telstra Professional Award; and the Rector Scholarship of the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra. Michael is an active invited speaker to both trade and academic audiences in his areas of expertise. Michael's work on space communication and radar tracking is internationally known. He is an expert on tracking, having invented one of the real-time tracking-architectures that had been implemented on the Australian Defence space surveillance network. He continues to make major impact in his field. Michael is a member of several professional societies including the New York Academy of Science, and the Institution of Engineers (Australia). He enjoys playing clarinet and listening to music. We hope the information provided on our capabilities are informative. If you have any questions please telephone +61 408 632 397, or send email to