KPI - Key Persons

Josh Kenyon

Josh Kenyon are brothers that grew up in a small town in the Adirondacks. We both started in the trenchless industry in 2000 working for a small contractor that had decades of experience. This afforded us a great opportunity to learn from some of the best mentors in the country who specialized in those projects that other contractors avoided or walked away from because they said "it can't be done" or "we need to dig and replace". This firsthand knowledge and experience allowed us to gain vital perspective on the needs of the clients and tackle the "can't be done" projects with people who know how to "make it happen". After that contractor sold his business we were offered positions in New England and the Midwest. This gave us another priceless opportunity to work with more industry professionals and see an even greater diversity of systems, designs and technology. Now, armed with decades of firsthand experience, we can continue to grow and develop our own family of coworkers and trenchless professionals. We treat our employees like we want to be treated as we know what it's like to be in this industry and the hard work it takes to complete these projects.