Bridgette Jenkins - President

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • President

John P. Byrne

Job Titles:
  • Motivational Speaker & Author

Monica Poe - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
Monica Poe, MVA, GVA is Founder/President and Owner of MoPoe & Associates a Growth Strategies, Training, and Business Support Company in Rock Island, Illinois. MoPoe & Associates specializes in Technology and Marketing Solutions with a focus on helping clients with their behind the scenes marketing, visibility, and growth strategies that are essential. Monica and her team create processes and systems that enable clients to have a better focus for growth and retention, utilizing technologies, online tactics, and various marketing strategies. Monica has over 26 years of professional business experience in the areas of marketing and communications, technology and marketing automation, sales and marketing, project management, teaching and training in the education sector and in executive/administrative support. She has designed and developed online business courses at various colleges and developed customized training programs, keynotes, curriculum for seminars, webinars, and workshops. Monica is also an author of various books, articles, and an audio CD. Career Highlights **Successfully created processes for various companies and clients' that have resulted in cost savings in marketing and operations.

Todd L. Poe

Job Titles:
  • Business Partner, Strategist & Lean Management Consultant
Todd L. Poe, LSSGB, LMC, BS, is a Business Partner, Strategist & Lean Management Consultant for MoPoe & Associates SM and has over 26 years of professional business experience. Todd has a diverse work background from working in corporate and government manufacturing, government housing management, an organizational business which he was owner and in the public school system co-teaching writing, providing employment skills training and mentorship to students. He created the Resourceful Buying Network (RBN), which is a Purchasing Commodity Buying Program for Non-Profit Organizations. Todd is also Director of RBN. This program also focuses on creating operational efficiencies which helps to save time and money. Career Highlights *Successfully ran a marketing program for RBN generating over $30,000.00 in membership fees.