M.R.E - History of Changes

2020-07-20 update robots_txt_status www.mre-rope.com: 0 => 404
2017-07-07 update robots_txt_status www.mre-rope.com: 404 => 0
2014-04-02 delete management_pages_linkeddomain mshaiman.co.il
2014-04-02 delete management_pages_linkeddomain njl.co.il
2014-04-02 delete person Mr. Motty Sheffy
2014-04-02 insert person Moti Shefi
2014-04-02 update person_description Dr. Ronen Ashkenazi => Dr. Ronen Ashkenazi
2014-04-02 update person_title Dr. Ronen Ashkenazi: null => Director of Technology and Development
2014-04-02 update person_title Matey Ashkenazi: Administration Manager => Manager of Administration / Administration Manager