NETNATION - Key Persons

Emma Cale - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Head of Marketing
  • Marketing Leader
Emma is a Marketing leader with over 10 years of experience. Prior to joining NetNation in 2021, Emma led Marketing teams in a number of different industries including technology, professional services and manufacturing. A native of Toronto, Emma oversees NetNation's global brands and the NetNation Marketing team from the Vancouver office. Emma believes the key to high-impact marketing is a strong focus on customer experience, actively listening to customers and partners, and anticipating their needs. As Head of Marketing, she is committed to constantly improving NetNation's brand, delivering on our brand promise and fueling our growth.

George Kaloyanov

Job Titles:
  • Head of Global Customer Support
George is a 15-year web service veteran, leading web service support and operations teams across the globe since 2005. Prior to joining NetNation in 2008 to lead our European support operations, he served as support lead at Since 2017, George has led NetNation's global customer support teams in North America and Europe as Head of Global Customer Support. George believes the key to great support is a strong focus on customer satisfaction and adherence to structured processes. As global support lead, he is passionate about constantly improving NetNation's supports' technical knowledge within the dynamic, fast-changing web service industry.

John Enright - President

Job Titles:
  • President
John is a web service industry pioneer with 25+ years experience building successful web service brands. In 1994, he co-founded one of the first website hosting companies ever, growing it into a top three North American hosting provider before it ultimately merged with Affinity Internet in 2001. At Affinity, John led product, sales and marketing, developing the most advanced private-labeled web service channel program in the industry. In 2007, Affinity merged with Hostway to form NetNation, where John today leads the charge to transform how web services are delivered.

Joshua Valouche

Job Titles:
  • Head of Technical Operations
Joshua jumped at the opportunity to join NetNation 15 years ago to follow his passion of working in technology. As Head of Technical Operations, Joshua enjoys the fast paced nature of the industry and the opportunity everyday to push the boundaries of web services. As a key leader managing all major migrations and integrations at NetNation since 2004, Joshua takes pride in ensuring all platforms and assets post-migration continue to operate at peak performance.

Kate Mullin

Job Titles:
  • Director, Account Management
For 10+ years, Kate has played a key role in building and enabling the success of NetNation's global partners. As Director, she is actively involved in every aspect of NetNation's partnerships, constantly working to ensure an optimal experience for not only partners, but their customers as well.

Martin Anastasov

Job Titles:
  • Head of Engineering
  • Director, Engineering & Product Management
Martin is a web service industry veteran with 15+ years of experience. Before moving to Product Development with NetNation in 2015, Martin worked to build and lead high volume contact center teams in support operations. In Product Development, Martin was responsible for managing multiple teams of software developers, helping with product design and architecture. In mid-2018, Martin began overseeing Engineering at NetNation. As head of engineering, Martin is responsible for leading all merger and acquisition system integrations. Holding a Master's degree in Law, Martin has a passion for learning about new products, business models and strategies, and high-tech innovations.

Stephen Botha

Job Titles:
  • Director, Development & Software Engineering
Stephen Botha is a homegrown NetNation success story. Fresh off earning his Technology degree, Stephen started at NetNation at 25 as a junior technical support representative, learning from the front lines what business customers really want out of web services. In this role, he formed his personal career philosophy: sustained achievement is built one success story at a time. Adhering to this principle over the next 12 years led to his growing to become NetNation's Head of Development and Product. As Head of Development and Product, Stephen is responsible for all of NetNation's software development and integration projects, spearheading the design of cutting-edge, scaled solutions that help partners to thrive in the fast-moving web services industry.