NASH - Key Persons

Chris Nash

As a Clinical Social Worker, Chris has spent years providing individual, family, and group mental health therapy to various populations. His initial focus was to provide substance abuse counseling to adults and teens as well as mental health services to adjudicated teens in the court system. As he continued specializing in Child and Adolescent therapy; Chris transitioned to school-based mental health. In 2011 he Co-founded Nash Therapeutic Services with a vision for providing social, clinical, and school-based mental health services to families in central Arkansas. Using a practice model based on Contextual Psychology or "ACT", Chris continues to provide individual, family, and group counseling to adolescents and young adults. As of 2018 Chris' focus has moved toward supporting the NTS Team and the administration of our new 3500+sqft ABA clinic.

Jennifer Nash

Job Titles:
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst
As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Jennifer provides services for Children and Families confronted with the challenges of Autism and other developmental disabilities. Jennifer was a National Board Certified teacher with 13 years of experience working as a Special Educator. After acquiring her BCBA training she developed SPED classroom programs for the Little Rock School District, specifically for children dealing with Autism and developmental disabilities. In 2011 she Co-founded Nash Therapeutic Services with a vision for providing ABA services to families in central Arkansas. Since that time she has continuously advocated for her clients and worked to increase and improve access to ABA for Arkansas families. Nowhere was this more obvious than her petition to have ABA added as a supported service through multiple Insurance carriers, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield, QualChoice, Tricare, and United Medical, to name a few; causing Nash Therapeutic Services to be the first ABA provider listed on many of these carriers in the State of Arkansas.