NARDOO - Key Persons

Anna Booy

Prior to coaching professionally, Anna was a successful lawyer and partner in an international law firm in London. She has over 20 years of business and organisational experience and has worked with all levels of staff in a variety of industries. Her masters in coaching psychology has enabled Anna to develop a coaching and training practice working with professionals and service industries including legal, medical, financial, airline, university and the non-profit sector. She has cross-cultural coaching experience, having worked in Australia, the UK, China, Indonesia, Dubai and Vietnam. She also delivers a variety of training workshops. She specializes in developmental coaching, helping her clients to see different perspectives and manage greater complexity.

Dr Michael Cavanagh

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University
Deputy Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney, and one of Australia's foremost executive coaches and coach trainers, Michael has over 20 years experience in facilitating personal, group and organizational change. Michael has designed and facilitated training and personal development workshops in Australia and internationally, for a diverse range of entities including government, mining, media, brewing, financial services and legal organizations. His coaching practice has encompassed a similarly wide range of individuals, drawn from every level of management. Michael has also led the world's largest coaching research project into leadership development.

Ingrid Studholme

Job Titles:
  • Executive Coach and Consultant
Ingrid is an experienced executive coach and consultant who has worked with individuals and teams in the public and private sectors as part of leadership development programmes and during career transition. Her clients come from a range of industries including engineering, insurance, publishing, media, education and property. A combination of coaching psychology qualifications and leadership experience enables her to maximise benefits for the individuals and organisations with whom she works. With over 15 years experience as a senior executive in marketing, sales and customer service, Ingrid has a breadth of experience in strategic planning, and a strong track record of leading teams to high achievement through times of major organisational and cultural change.