Mervé Martin

Job Titles:
  • Head of LIFE - Environment and Eco - Innovation, DG Environment, European Commission.
We hope that our suggestions may invigorate the discussion on how to improve the chances of SMEs being able to raise capital via Commercial banks, to enable feasible development projects to go ahead. We feel this can only be done if a financial valuation can be made on the amount of C0² saved by the proposed project.

Neil Turley

Job Titles:
  • Our Managing Director
Our Managing Director, Neil Turley, as member of the Eco-Innovator Network took the opportunity to present our Policy Paper "How to make Eco-Innovation to a Commercial reality, rather than it just being identified as R&D" to Janez Potočnik and members of his cabinet, on viable commercial support for SMEs promoting Eco Innovation. Our Managing Director, Neil Turley, was invited to an ECO-Innovation Summit in Brussels, convened by the Lisbon Council.

Simon Brooks - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President