Andrew F. Ortiz - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Andrew Ortiz recently served as Project Manager for Capacity Building Initiatives with the Arizona State University Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management, and possesses a great breadth of community and governmental affairs experience. Andrew has served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Community Action Association, working on anti-poverty issues, and also as State Program Director for Kids Voting Arizona, Legislative Attach?to the Arizona House Minority Leader, and as the Project Director for Arizona Clearing the Air, a statewide tobacco control policy initiative within the Government Relations Department of the American Cancer Society. Andrew has been a National Fellow with the Center for the Study of the Presidency in Washington, D.C. and New York City, and has been a leader in the nonprofit sector. Andrew has served as a Leadership Facilitator for LeaderShape based in Champaign, Illinois, and was a Founder and Senior Partner in the American Student Government Association (ASGA) and its subsidiary firm, The SG Consulting Group, both based in Gainesville, Florida. Andrew is a member of the National Council of La Raza and the Alliance for Nonprofit Management in Washington, DC, and is a member of the Theodore Roosevelt Association in Oyster Bay, New York.

Deborah R. Ortiz - VP

Job Titles:
  • Leader
  • Vice President
Deborah Ortiz is a nationally renowned leader and scholar. Her remarkable careers as a business woman and community change agent have been celebrated extensively in the fields of academia, private enterprise, and civic affairs. Her passion for personal and organizational development, coupled with her magnetic personality, make her a sought-after speaker, coach, and consultant. Deborah's personal life story has been the source of inspiration for the many audiences that she has addressed over the years. When Deborah was 12 years old she was diagnosed with bone cancer. Through childlike faith and belief she fought the most important battle of her life and this became the core of her inner strength. The "magic of believing" has become her story and she has incorporated it many times along with visioneering to accomplish goals that others deemed impossible. She has shared her philosophy with many and has witnessed the difference it has made in their lives. Deborah promotes education and "walks the talk." She battled many obstacles as a single parent raising three children and received her degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Central Oklahoma. She went on to excel in the graduate program at the University of Phoenix and earned her Masters of Arts in Organizational Management. Deborah Ortiz has been the recipient of many distinguished awards and prestigious honors over the years. She has won several awards in journalism as well as having been recognized in editions of The World Who's Who of Women and 2000 Notable American Women. Deborah is a seasoned leader who speaks to organizations and companies across the United States and around the world and shares lessons from her experiences in making a difference in her community, state, nation and world. Deborah is a leader who has built a thriving business as an entrepreneur, turned around under-performing work teams and made them top performers, and created a reputation as a catalyst for positive change. Her leadership is built upon a strong foundation of personal integrity and a collaborative spirit. Deborah's areas of expertise as a speaker and trainer are as follows: Motivational and Inspirational Speeches on the Power of Belief and Visioneering How to Take an Underperforming Team to the Top of an Organization Motivating and Keeping Great Employees Ortiz Leadership Systems wants to be your partner in achieving a greater level of success and achievement. We have helped some of the top organizations and leaders in the nation to attain a peak level of performance.