Gallagher Risk - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President

Richard W. Kieffer

Job Titles:
  • IT Consulting, LLC, Owner / President
  • Retired
Richard W. Kieffer retired from Accenture in September 2009. Prior to joining Accenture in 1998, he founded R-K International Consulting (RKIC) in 1992. He has more than 35 years of experience in strategy, planning, managing, and developing complex, mission-critical business and information management systems. Since retiring, he is now specializing in IT effectiveness assessments, IT strategic planning, and business system/process improvements -- with a focus on sourcing strategies. Mr. Kieffer has extensive experience in a variety of industries including finance, insurance, airlines, aerospace, and manufacturing. In 1992, Mr. Kieffer designed and directed the development of a multinational, multilingual ab se nc e-in ju ry-ill ne ss management system for the Portuguese-based manufacturing operations of a leading French automobile company (Renault). This system is still operational today. Prior to joining Accenture, as a subcontractor he provided Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) with specialized consulting support to help Accenture develop IT strategies for the insurance, risk management, and managed healthcare industries.