EN Route

Buffet breakfast. Pre-arranged transfer to Madrid airport at the proper time to check-in for your flight to your home city.

High Dam

High Dam : Located near Aswan, the world famous High Dam was an engineering miracle when it was built in the 960s. It contains 18 times the material used in the Great Pyramid of Cheops. The Dam is 11,811 feet long, 3215 feet thick at the base and 364 feet tall.

Nile Cruise

Breakfast on board. Direct transfer by air conditioned vehicles for Visit the West bank including : Valley of the Kings : The first king of the New Kingdom, Ahmose of the 18th Dynasty, built a pyramid-like structure at Abydos, which may or may not have been his original tomb the Valley, known as Biban el-Muluk, "doorway or gateway of the kings," or, the Wadyein, meaning "the two valleys," is actually composed of two separate branches. The main eastern branch, called TA set aat, or "The Great Place," is where most of the royal tombs are located, and in the larger, The Valley is hidden from sight, behind the cliffs, which form the backdrop to the temple complex of Deir el-Bahari. Hatshepsut Temple : The mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the Queen's architect, Senenmut, designed it and set it at the head of a valley overshadowed by the Peak of the Thebes, the "Lover of Silence," where lived the goddess who presided over the necropolis. His daughter became pharaoh, her father Tutmose I circulated the legend that the God Amon became father of Hatshepsut and therefore she is half a God she was married twice unfortunately and her second husband and stepbrother Tutmose III hated her so much that he had all pictures and inscriptions of her destroyed after she died. Colossi of Memnon : These two, gigantic figures of Amenhotep III were originally situated in front of his Mortuary temple which was destroyed for unknown reasons! The two colossi are made of sandstone, which during ancient times was brought from Gabal El Silselah. Each colossus, including the pedestal and the crown, is about 21m tall and represents King Amenhotep III seating on his throne, wearing the Nimes, or royal headdress, with the divine cobra protecting his forehead. Lunch on board, Pm Free at Leisure. Dinner and overnight on board cruise. Disembarkation after breakfast. Meet with your representative assisted for check-out and direct proceed for a half day tour visit : Karnak temple : This great Temple of Amon Ra was known during the Middle Kingdom period as Ipt-Swt, which means the Selected Spot. It was also called Pr-Imn, which means the House of Amon. The entrance you will find a ram-headed avenue of Sphinxes, which was built to protect the Temple. There are 20 rams on each side, as you cross this pylon, it takes you into an Open court, whose dimensions are100m long by 80m wide, built during the 22nd Dynasty, and containing rows of bud papyrus columns. Luxor temple : The Temple of Luxor is among the most beautiful Temples in Egypt. It was known in the New Kingdom period as Ipt-Rsyt, which means the southern shrine. This was to differentiate between this Temple and Karnak Temple, which was the northern house of Amon Ra. Amenhotep III built Luxor Temple. The Temple run close and parallel to the river Nile from north to south, it was constructed on the site of a small Temple of Amon, built by kings of the 12th dynasty. Then direct transfer by air conditioned vehicles to Luxor Airport By your Sakkara Tours representative who will escort you to the airport and will assist you through the airport Check-in and Customs procedures.