SSP - Key Persons

Axel Schäfer

After completing a banking apprenticeship and studying at Stuttgart-Hohenheim University, Axel Schäfer started work as Business Customer Consultant for the IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, at the Stuttgart branch in 1991. In 1998 he changed to Export-Financing with the geographical focus on Latin-America. Since 2005, he has been working for Herrenknecht AG as Director of Export-Financing, and working in Freelance Consultancy. Main focus Hermes covered supplier credit cover and buyer credit cover for small and medium sized companies - worldwide Regional focus on Latin America, especially Brazil Foreign Language skills: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Dipl.-Kfm. Hubert Störbrock

After completing a banking apprenticeship and studying Economics and Social sciences at Dortmund University, Hubert Störbrock worked for 2 years as chief executive assistant (CEA) for the Volksbank in Essen. From 1990 until April 2009 he worked for the IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, Düsseldorf, in In ternational Financing; from 2005 until 2009 he was Division Manager for In terna tional Sales (Export- und Project financing); in September 2009 he moved into Freelance Consultancy. Main focus Hermes covered supplier credit cover and buyer credit cover for small and medium sized companies - worldwide Consulting in complex financings (Project finance, Direct investments and Joint Ventures of German mid-size companies) Foreign Language skills: English

Peter Wolf

In 1978 Peter Wolf finalized his professional training at the Landes bank Rheinland-Pfalz. He then worked within the credit department responsible for real-estate and corporate clients at the erstwhile Landes bank Rheinland-Pfalz, now Landes bank Baden-Württem berg. While continuing working at the Landes bank, he successfully graduated in a business and economics major at the VWA Mainz. In 1987 he moved on to the export financing department as an Associate Manager. 1994 he had been promoted to a Senior Vice President. As business customer consultant he then focused on medium sized companies across all industries. Peter Wolf decided to work as an independent consultant for Export financing in 2014. Main focus Hermes covered supplier´s credit und buyer´s credit solutions for small and medium sized comapanies - worldwide Specific knowledge and experience in regional markets such as Eastern Europe, Turkey and India Foreign language skill: English

Simone Winkler

After completing a banking apprenticeship and studying Business at University GH Essen, Simone Winkler started as a Trainee at the BfG Bank für Gemeinwirtschaft in the Business Customer section (later the same at SEB AG), subsequently she started work as a Credit Analyst for Business Customers. From July 2002 - December 2009 she worked as Credit Analyst for the IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG in Structured Financing (Export- und Project-Financing). She has been working as a Freelance Consultant for Export and Project Financing since January 2010. Main focus Hermes covered supplier credit cover and buyer credit cover for small and medium sized companies - worldwide Consulting in complex project finance Regional focus on Latin America and Eastern Europe Foreign Language skills: English, French, Spanish