Michael Lawlor

Michael Lawlor has been working in the construction/remodelling industry for over 20 years, and has specialized in designing, building and installing custom shower doors since 1997. Before starting Superior Shower Doors, Mike Lawlor was working for another company installing shower doors and doing work on the side as well. "The sheer volume of work I was doing on the side while still employed at my day job was overwhelming." Lawlor said. In 2003, Michael Lawlor decided to open his own business rather than continue to work for others. "I finally decided to make the jump and go out on my own. We've been busy ever since. I saw there was a niche for a smaller, more customer-oriented business, and set out to fill it. The decision was not as easy at it may seem. I basically had to put my whole family on the line and quit a full-time job with benefits. Expanding the company brings new risks with each level you hit." Lawlor said. These risks paid off: In 2004, he opened a showroom on Spring Street in Newton to showcase his shower designs. Two years later, Superior Shower Doors moved down the street to a much larger facility, offering ample space for a showroom, office and shop. "The purpose of having the showroom here was to attract more local business, because a lot of our clientele had been coming from all over the tri-State area." Mike Lawlor said.