Updated 25 days ago
110 Paseo del Cañon West Taos, NM 87571
In 2019 TA was acknowledged as one of the top performing schools in the nation. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college, among other criteria. Our national rank places us as #20 of all schools in the state of New Mexico! We rank as #465 out of all Charter High Schools nationally. We are one of the best choices in the state for students seeking to pursue higher education options... Students are enrolled at Taos Academy through a lottery system. Visit the enrollment page for more info. Each accepted student will complete an application and have an interview with an administrator or instructional advisor. During the interview process, educational and career plans will be developed through the collaborative efforts of the student, parent, and instructional advisor. The student will also undergo academic assessment to determine the appropriate course placement. We look forward to providing students one of..
Also known as: Taos Academy