AT HOMESTEAD - Key Persons

Danny Zoller - COO

Job Titles:
  • Realty 's Director of Operations
Zolmar Realty's Director of Operations, Danny Zoller, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the properties. Danny is a graduate of Widener University, where he earned a degree in Business Administration. Danny is continually maintaining tenant relations and coordinating the efforts of subcontractors in the development of company owned properties. He also manages quality assurance projects, supervises, hires and trains personnel, and monitors existing processes, analyzing their effectiveness. He continues to create strategies to improve productivity and efficiency company wide. Danny further maintains and manages relationships with outside vendors and consults, prepares and coordinates vendor and contractor agreements to achieve successful outcomes for Zolmar Realty.

Mier Zoller - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Realty 's President and Chief Executive Officer
Zolmar Realty's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mier Zoller, oversees every phase of each redevelopment project, as well as the company real estate holdings. In addition to his real estate experience, Mier has held a number of executive positions in the cargo shipping container industry. He was the Manager of Container and Equipment Operations at New York based Norton Lilly & Company, the largest steamship agency in the United States. Mier also served as the exclusive representative and general manager for Interpool, Inc., an international lessor of containers and intermodal equipment. Mier later formed his own company which supplied modular building structures, field offices and relocatable housing units, as well as refurbished cargo containers and wholesale of shipping cargo containers worldwide.

Ron Zoller

Job Titles:
  • Realty 's General Counsel and Director of Leasing
Zolmar Realty's General Counsel and Director of Leasing, Ron Zoller, is primarily responsible for the companies leasing efforts and acquisition transactions. With a bachelor's degree from Lehigh University and a law degree from Hofstra University School of Law, Ron's training allows him to identify the economic, as well as legal implications of a prospective investment. Ron is a licensed real estate professional and also assists in the coordination of brokerage inquiries. He is the President and Broker of Record of Zolmar Realty's real estate brokerage affiliate Gemini Realty Group, Inc.