BSPT - Key Persons

Angela Watson

Job Titles:
  • Administrator / Gym Instructor
As a qualified fitness instructor I enjoy a part time role at BSPT covering many of the classes. I am also a frequent attendee at the gym and have had the pleasure of learning from all of the PT's for the past 6 years. I can honestly say that they are a fantastic group of professional, highly experienced and knowledgeable guys who give their best to all of who they work with. I don't personal train myself but I regularly take the classes that you see on our timetable. I am passionate about strength training, improving flexibility, boxing training, nutrition and helping others. When I was younger I trained and coached as a gymnast. Gymnastics has always been an area of interest.

Bruce Bain

Job Titles:
  • Personal Trainer
I have been personal training for 9 years, and I am very fortunate to have many long-term clients. I mainly focus on helping those who's primary goal is fat loss, which I love, but more recently I have built a small team of powerlifters who are proving to be very successful with some even holding national records. I have competed in powerlifting myself and it is an area that I have a lot of passion for. I take every opportunity to learn through attending courses, mentorships, seminars and online courses. Its important to me to continually develop so I can give the best service to my clients. Personally, I love spending time with my young daughter. I like to get out in the fresh air to keep fit and regularly train in the gym myself. In recent years I've learnt to cook, which my wife says I'm actually good at, and really enjoy making health meals and recipes, which I love to share with my clients.

Jen Innes

Job Titles:
  • Personal Trainer
I have been a Personal Trainer for over 8 years, however, I have worked in the health and fitness industry for approximately 20 years. I am delighted to be part of a professional, highly experienced and knowledgeable team bringing my own personal career journey to the next level. Prior to this I spent many years as an instructor in a commercial gym and progressed to building my own personal training and fitness coaching business, training and supporting a varied group of clients. During some of this time I also instructed offshore survival and many of the skills and coaching techniques adopted there, I transfer into the gym, particularly in supporting clients who may be anxious and require additional motivation and support to successfully complete daunting exercises/drills. Joining Barry and his expert team has allowed me to further my knowledge, skills and experience which is underpinned by continuous professional development which I fully embrace and use as a driving factor for client success.

Michael Craig

Job Titles:
  • Personal Trainer
As I personal trainer I make every effort to help my clients achieve their goals in the gym, whether that be to lose body fat to feel better about themselves on holiday, gain muscle to look better in a t-shirt or generally become healthier & stronger. I have been working at BSPT for 3 years now and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with a team of professional & expert trainers as well as an array of different clients that challenge me every day and make my job interesting and enjoyable. I can confidently say that I love my job and couldn't see myself doing anything else. The fitness industry can be a very confusing place with many opinions. It isn't easy for people who are new to fitness & exercise to understand and implement the correct training and nutrition in the simplest way possible to achieve their goals. I know when I first started I was in the exact same boat and had little knowledge of what methods were optimal for progression. I am continually reinvesting in my own development as a PT by going on courses to provide my clients with the correct tools to make their fitness journey as straight forward & enjoyable as possible. I believe the keys to success in the gym are staying patient, small progressions over time, consistency & choosing an appropriate level of training that suits your initial ability level. I ensure the previously mentioned keys are introduced and implemented with all my clients.

Scott Newcombe

Job Titles:
  • Personal Trainer
As a personal trainer I strive to help my clients reach their goals in the simplest and most straightforward ways. I have been at BSPT for 5 years and still feel so grateful to be doing a job that I love. Knowing what to eat and how to exercises can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed. It did for me when I started out which is why I made it my mission to pass on what I have learned to others in order to make their journey as simple as possible. I work with clients to find the right balance of exercise and nutrition to suit their goals and create a healthier lifestyle. I believe the keys to making great progress are through consistency and patience as well as starting at the appropriate level.