Christie E. Logan - Founder, VP

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Vice - President
Mrs. Logan is a seasoned waste industry executive with 26 years experience in establishing and operating regulated waste companies. Expertise includes successful proposal writing and implementation of multi-state multi-million dollar federal contracts. Mrs. Logan co-founded Envirosolve (Tulsa, OK), a hazardous, radioactive and medical waste company, in 1991. Envirosolve sold to MedServe (Houston, TX) in 2006, and subsequently to Stericycle in December 2009. Mrs. Logan completed her transition responsibilities with Stericycle in September 2010. Mrs. Logan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from The University of Oklahoma, May, 1983.

J. Scott Logan - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
Mr. Logan is a 36 year waste industry professional and entrepreneur with strong proficiency in radioactive, chemical, and medical waste management, as well as regulatory matters. He has served as an expert witness. His career began in 1981 and has spanned from RCRA permit writing, serving as a RCRA inspector, managing a commercial hazardous waste TSD facility to the founding of Envirosolve (Tulsa, OK), a hazardous, radioactive and medical waste company, in 1991. Envirosolve sold to MedServe (Houston, TX) in 2006, and subsequently to Stericycle in December 2009. Mr. Logan completed his transition responsibilities with Stericycle in September 2010. Curie Environmental Services is a manifestation of his expertise in radioactive waste management acquired during the past 26 years. Mr. Logan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from The University of Oklahoma, December, 1983; and is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) (#2300). He also is a Registered Professional Geologist in Arkansas (#1240).