E3 INNOVATE - Key Persons

Erik Daugherty - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Owner
Responsibilities: Oversee company operations, strategizing, marketing and production. Sales and project management. Erik once traveled the European continent in a 1978 Mercedes 240D diesel. Determined to make the trip using 100% biodiesel, he and his wife often found themselves running on empty in remote areas, finding fuel just in the nick of time. His wife was quick to point out, however, that although the European trip was a success, Erik's biodiesel luck didn't quite make it back to the states with him, where more than once he has found himself filling up on canola oil at convenience stores.

Kathryn Pedulla

Job Titles:
  • Technology Analyst, Organization Queen - Master
Responsibilities: Researching and deploying products and technologies. Software implementation. Creating and maintaining methodical workflows in the office. She spent a month in London, visiting the Geoffrey Museum of the Home and harrying London tour guides and homeowners to gain insight into the how's and why's of their residential buildings. She hopes to continue this over-seas inquiry in Japan and Sweden.

Lesley Herrmann

Job Titles:
  • Business Development & Indoor Air Quality Specialist
Responsibilities: Business development. Client and community outreach and education. Indoor air quality analysis and consulting. When Lesley is not working on fun projects at E3, you may find her figure skating, dancing, playing standup bass, or offering her skills as a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant.

Nathan Terry

Job Titles:
  • Why Interested in Energy Efficiency
Nathan spent two years volunteering for the Peace Corps in Paraguay, where he worked in the rural health and sanitation sector. Bilingual, Nathan also provides translation services to Spanish-speaking residents of Tennessee.

Nolan Gross

Job Titles:
  • Senior Home Performance Technician
Responsibilities: Implementing home performance strategies, directs crew members, and interfaces with clients and builders. Eight years before starting at E3, Nolan wrote a 15-page research paper on the environmental and economic benefits of implementing green building practices. Thermal envelopes, spray foam, energy management systems, indoor air quality, and innovative construction were all included in the strategy, which served as a direct precursor to the job he would later do with E3 EcoWorks.

Trent Williams

When Trent is not conducting blower door and duct leakage tests, you may find him enjoying a relaxing day of fishing, reading some of his favorite novels, or testing his sports knowledge in various fantasy sports leagues.