Mark is AV

Mark has been listed in every edition of the Best Lawyers in America since 1995. Mark was profiled in the 2012 November issue of the King County Bar Association's publication Bar News. To read his profile click here.

Mark Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Mark Johnson and Michael Sprangers have dedicated their lives to protect individuals who have become injured as a result of someone else's negligence. Combined they have over 40 years of experience representing clients, and they have achieved exceptional results for their clients. In addition, Mark is a past president of the Washington State Bar Association. Find out more about our attorneys.

Michael Sprangers

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Member of the
Michael is a multiple time presenter at the annual Washington State Bar Association's Conference on the Law of Lawyering, a continuing legal education seminar attended by practicing lawyers. He has presented to lawyers on the topics of professional liability insurance, legal malpractice, professional grievances, the attorney-client privilege, and the work product privilege. Michael is a member of the ABA, WSBA, and is an Eagle Member of the WSAJ.