Dr. Dan Chartier

Dr. Dan Chartier, is a NC Licensed Practicing Psychologist - Health Service Provider and has been in private practice in Raleigh, NC since 1983. In addition to his experience as a psychotherapist he is a pioneer in the field of Biofeedback including the use of EEG Neurofeedback (NFB) in the outpatient clinic setting.

Dr. Lucy Chartier

Dr. Lucy Chartier holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and advanced education as a psychiatric/mental health clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner. She has been in private practice since 1984.

Liza Chartier

Liza is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate. Through LQR, Liza offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) to clients, groups, and as a collaborative effort with other therapists and their clients at a local horse farm. A lifelong horsewoman, Liza completed her graduate internship at a local non-profit utilizing equine assisted psychotherapy and has been working in the field (literally!) ever since. Liza provides services in the office as a Nexalin Certified Technician (NCT) and as a Play Attention provider, interacting with patients on a daily basis during the therapy process. Liza also provides administrative and management support to Life Quality Resources.