Rose Gawlak

My name is Rose Gawlak. It is now the time that the children are older, that I have decided to pursue one of my most treasured dreams. The origins of this dream have their roots in my own health challenges. Many years ago, I started to deal with a debilitating, chronic illness. This was extremely difficult for me, and my life changed forever. I went to numerous doctors who could not help me. I was told that my condition "was in my head" and was prescribed anti-depressants. Other doctors tentatively diagnosed me with lupus, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue and prescribed more anti-depressants and muscle relaxants for the pain. Physically and emotionally I collapsed. I felt scared and alone and truly wondered from day to day whether I would be there for my girls the next morning. I Thank God every day for the support of my family and friends, because it was with their help that I began my long journey back to vibrant health. A whole new world opened up to me as I learned about my illness. I chose to fight for recovery and had faith that I would one day be well. I began to read many self-help books and books on healing and healing therapies. I also started to see natural healers and worked part-time in health food stores so I could learn more about how to regenerate the body naturally. I learned that everyone's road to wellness is individualized, but that the best way to regain physical vitality is to detoxify, eat a nutritious diet (a diet high in greens), and achieve balanced PH levels in the body, implant beneficial bacteria back in the bowels, take supplements and exercise. I had come across a book called The Maker's Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin. It suggests that one can eventually attain excellent health via the consumption of a traditional, biblically based diet as well as Dr. Rubin's "Garden of Life" supplements and live foods, probiotics, and enzymes. Following the principles of the book has changed my life. I feel great and have tremendous amounts of energy. For decades I had a very restricted diet. I now am eating a variety of foods including kefir, fruits, cheeses, yogurts and much more. Another person that has made a huge impact with my health is Victoria Boutenko. She stresses the importance of getting the required greens daily which I could not agree with more. Please have a look at her website Within your own journey you will choose the diet that suits you.