Duff Reiter

Duff Reiter is a marketing, branding and market research professional. Biography Founded by Duff Reiter in 2002, Verve Marketing offers strategy, marketing planning, market research, account management and business analysis to healthcare companies. Spent previous 20 years working for agencies (JWT, Age Wave, DDB Needham) and companies (Target Corp.) on a wide variety of products and services including medical devices, health insurance, financial services, packaged goods, automotive industry, hearing aids, and retail. Have progressively moved from creative (copywriting) and account management to account planning, agency management and market strategy. Good feel for the market research process and where to use it. Recent interest and experience with content management and social media. Always looking for new challenges. Interests healthcare innovation, pulling insights out of data, gardening, the wire, keats, hiking, jazz, basketball, raymond chandler, homer, heist movies, doestoyevski, american slang, cavafy, s.f. giants.