WAXLAW - Key Persons

Aldith Dwyer

Job Titles:
  • a Paralegal
  • Senior Case Manager, Employment - Based Immigration
Aldith Dwyer has worked for WAXLAW as a Paralegal for over 15 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Law and Paralegal Studies and Biology, an Advanced Certificate in Immigration from the Graduate Center, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and a Paralegal Certificate. She works on a broad range of employment- and family-based immigration matters. She has participated in pro bono community outreach naturalization initiatives.

Bithi Mukhopadhyay

Job Titles:
  • Senior Case Manager, Employment - Based Immigration
Bithi Mukhopadhyay has over 20 years' experience in masterful supervision of corporate clients' H-1 and Labor Certification (PERM) programs. Bithi has accrued impressive expertise in the preparation and submission of P and O petitions, often under considerable deadline challenge, for a variety of for-profit and non-profit organizations seeking to bring talented musicians and performing artists to this country. Like Nathan, Bithi has acquired a Master's degree in Philosophy and studied both Sanskrit and law. She earned a BA (Hons) and an MA in Philosophy at the prestigious Presidency College/Calcutta University, and she read law at Burdwan University in West Bengal.

Daniel S. Larson

Daniel has been a member of the WAXLAW team since the summer of 2008. Daniel has handled a variety of complex business and self-sponsorship scenarios. After his graduation from Michigan State University Law School in 2012, he joined the firm as an associate attorney. He has successfully managed the immigrant and nonimmigrant visa petitions of a diverse client base, which has included actors, artists, musicians, playwrights, entrepreneurs, IT professionals, scientists, financial workers, business managers and corporate executives. Daniel handles the full range of self-sponsorship and employer-based immigration matters.

Nathan A. Waxman

Job Titles:
  • Leader in National Interest Waiver
Nathan has been a leader in National Interest Waiver (NIW) analysis and advocacy since the 1990s. He has written extensively on the National Interest Waiver since 1996, and wrote the first commentary and critique on the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) precedent decision. Nathan has been responsible for key advisory opinions from federal agencies regarding H1B, Outstanding Researcher, and Merger and Acquisition issues. He has won significant appellate decisions from both the Administrative Appeals Office (INS/USCIS) and the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (Department of Labor). Nathan has traveled extensively, particularly within India and the Union of Myanmar, which country he has visited more than 15 times to date. Avocationally, and as an extension of his graduate studies in philosophy and linguistics, Nathan is pursuing independent research into the lexicography of the Burmese language. These efforts have resulted in publication of a peer-reviewed article in the leading academic journal devoted to study of the language and culture of Myanmar. Nathan and the WAXLAW team are proud to help current and future leaders in science, technology, and the arts fulfill their dreams. Here's Nathan at a port of entry to Bangladesh, in Meghalaya, Northeast India.