Lou Mayo

Lou Mayo has over 20 years experience in program management, supporting NASA and NOAA including over 10 years managing efforts for the NASA National Space Science Data Center and the Space Physics Data Facility. He has conducted research into effective management and employee motivation techniques for high technology environments. Lou has over 20 years experience in planetary research working on special problems concerning planetary atmospheres. He served for 11 years on the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS teams. He has over 15 years experience developing and implementing space science education programs on both regional and national levels and is a professor of astronomy at Marymount University and member of the DC Space Grant Consortium. He has authored numerous articles on astronomy and astronomy education and is a frequent speaker on space science and astronomy for the public.

Timothy E. Eastman

Timothy E. Eastman, space plasma physicist, is known for discoveries of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) and gyro-phase-bunched plasmas. His research interests have included space plasmas, magnetospheric physics, plasma applications, data systems, and philosophy. He developed key foundations at NASA Headquarters and the National Science Foundation for major international and interagency projects, including the International Solar Terrestrial Physics program, the interagency Space Weather Program, and the Basic Plasma Science and Engineering program. Dr. Eastman has published over 100 research papers, primarily in space plasma physics, but also in data systems and philosophy, and has been a member of the American Geophysical Union, the American Physical Society, and IEEE. He was lead editor of a book in physics and philosophy entitled "Physics and Whitehead "(SUNY press, 2004, 2009). As a founding member of the Coalition for Plasma Science (, he continues to serve the plasma science community through education and public outreach. In 1994, Dr. Eastman initiated both the newsgroup for plasma sciences at sci.physics.plasma and a Web site for all plasma science and applications, which he has managed for the past decade at He is also founding member and Research Fellow of the Center for Philosophy and the Natural Sciences at California State University, Sacramento.