Jim White

Job Titles:
  • Director of Technology at Clark Pleasant School Corporation
Jim White, Director of Technology at Clark Pleasant School Corporation says, "we made the decision to purchase InfoDynamics Intact Document Solution Software with the intention of migrating all of our past graduates' permanent records to electronic format. We choose Intact due to its scalability, ease of use, and ability to be customized to our current and future needs." . "At our request, InfoDynamics was kind enough to provide onsite training for our secretaries and staff. As a result, we scanned and indexed over 60 years of records without incident. I feel that their hands-on approach after the sale of the product has contributed greatly to the success of this project. It is without hesitation that I recommend InfoDynamics to any interested customer. Not only do they have a fantastic, easy to use document imaging system, but also their service is world class. It has been a pleasure working with them over the course of this project," says White.

Teri Shockey

Job Titles:
  • Senior Vice President, of BankDirect Capital
Teri Shockey, Senior Vice President, of BankDirect Capital Finance says, "By scanning our loan files, we do not need to purchase additional file cabinets, which are costly and take up valuable office space." "By scanning our daily check payments and disbursements, we can easily store, retrieve and email that information to our clients. Every person we have dealt with is knowledgeable and very willing to help us solve our document storage issue," says Shockey

Tomi Nelson

Job Titles:
  • Senior Financial Analyst for Iowa Realty
Tomi Nelson, Senior Financial Analyst for Iowa Realty "Intact allows our users - some 50 on a regular daily basis - to see documents from our sales offices within an hour of scanning," she explains. "Previously, they had to wait for a courier to deliver the documents to their locations for processing. With Intact, our processors can begin working on the files much sooner." "The people at InfoDynamics are good to work with," says Nelson. "Especially when it comes to answering questions and following up."