Jonathan Shick

Jonathan Shick is a graduate of Hiram College and has studied film and video at both the Cleveland Institute of Art and the University of New Hampshire in Manchester. Determined to make his own films, Jonathan co-founded Blue Hole Productions. His filmography includes many films few have seen and few films that many have seen. Currently he produces videos for the Gordon Square Arts District and Cuyahoga County. He also has one the greatest part time jobs ever in Ohio. . . cameraman and camera assistant, under the basket, for the Cleveland Cavaliers. In recent news, he just started believing in luck.

Ryan Rodriguez

Ryan Rodriguez is a graduate of Hiram College and Iowa State University in English and Creative Writing. He has worked in environmental education on the Cuyahoga River and in San Diego. His writing includes Affecting the Blood, Foundry, and the script for The Blue Hole. He has also directed residential children's camps in Southern California and Michigan. He is currently enrolled in the Northeast Ohio MFA program in Creative Writing. Most of Ryan's personal effects come from rummage sales, including a pewter-like lawn statue of Don Quixote de la Mancha.

Ryan Weibush

works with moving images and stationary words. He teaches English at Kent State University - Twinsburg, and is on the production crew at WVIZ/PBS. His fiction has appeared in Pennsylvania English, and his camera & production work can be seen on television sets in Northeast Ohio. To avoid nomenclature confusion and mandated by company policy, he is referred to as R2.