BRANDING - Key Persons

Susan Newman Lerer

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Design
Susan Newman Lerer is a branding designer and brand visibility designer. Since 1994, Susan Newman Design, Inc. (Branding You Better!) has built a reputation for developing award-winning, innovative, branding, book design, poster design, social media design and creative, functionally sound web solutions throughout the United States and abroad. Susan's team designs for creative entrepreneurs, authors, small businesses, start-ups, and international corporations. Susan is a contributing author to the bestselling marketing book "Self-Promotion Sucks! (but it doesn't have to) available as a pdf download or for the Kindle. Susan is a guest blogger for Udemy on brand visibility , New York Etsy Group, Circle Marketing, YourTango, Master Brand Game Plan and Social Buzz Club. Susan founded FROGS ARE GREEN, to increase awareness about the massive worldwide amphibian decline (up to one-third of species are threatened with extinction). Because frogs are an indicator species of a healthy environment, she hopes to spread the message that healthy frogs mean a healthy planet for all. Now available is a teaching curriculum, "Frogs, Amphibians and their Threatened Environment" Discovery and Expression Through Art K-3. This is the first curriculum to put amphibian science and artistic expression together as a 6 week course. Each year Frogs Are Green hosts an international kids art contest and a photography contest open to all ages, and in the Spring showcases the best and winning entries. Susan's poster design work was included in the 1st digital exhibition in New York from See.Me titled, "The Story of the Creative." This international exhibition was shown at Angel Orensanz Foundation for Contemporary Art. To see my complete profile and gallery visit: In 2014 #SeeMeTakeover Times Square showcased artworks by many on huge billboards in Times Square. Frogs Are Green had five conservation posters in the exhibition.