CALIBER 3 - Key Persons

Alex Baramba

Alex Baramba is a military and civilian counter-terror and security professional, and active reservist in an elite IDF unit, with over 15 years of experience working in both private and government security. Prior to joining Caliber 3 seven years ago, Alex worked for the Ministry of Defense, and commanded a security unit protecting public transportation.

Captain Hagai Haim Lev

Job Titles:
  • Captain
Caliber 3 is named after Captain Hagai Haim Lev. Hagai dedicated his life to protecting the people of Israel. Two weeks before he was killed, he traveled as part of a military delegation (uniformed witnesses) on a tour of the concentration camps in Poland. When asked why he is going there, Hagai said: "It is my job as a commander in the IDF to remember our history and teach the soldiers why we are fighting here and who we are defending. The values that Hagai lived his life by, and then fought and was killed for, are the values ​​we teach and pass on here at Caliber 3. Captain Lev was 24 years old when he fell The son of Noa and Shimon. Born on Simchat Torah, the 22nd of Tishrei 5739 (23.10.1978) in Even Shmuel. A day of holiday and joy, and as such he was named. The fifth child of six, brother to Einat, Nadav, Amichai, Yael and Gitit. Redhead and freckled, with the personality of a red-head and a huge smile. When Hagai was five years old, the family moved to Efrat in Gush Etzion. In kindergarten, Hagai was a head taller than the rest of the children and the most mischievous. On every vacation, Hagai collected friends with whom he went for trips and nature walks. While growing up, they would go hiking and abseiling in Sinai. Hagai was active in "Bnei Akiva" and helped organize social events at every opportunity. In the 11th grade, he became a Bnei Akiva leader. His sixth-grade students loved him and kept in touch with him over the years. Hagai spent his high school years at the Kfar Avraham technology yeshiva, where he specialized as an electrician's assistant. When he finished his studies, Hagai decided to attend an army preparation program in Atzmona, in Gush Katif, to strengthen himself religiously and spiritually and prepare for the army. In Atzmona, Hagai found his place. He would sit for days and nights in the beit midrash, Hagai stayed in the program for a year and a half and stood out as a serious and beloved student. He kept in touch with the mechina in Atzmona until the day of his death. .In March 1998, Hagai was drafted into the Elite Reconnaissance unit. From the first moment in the army, he was seen as a disciplined, strong and serious soldier, an integral part of the team. His friends and commanders always noted his physical strength and his willingness to help and encourage friends at all times. During his military service, Hagai was briefly in Lebanon, and spent most of the time in the Gaza Strip. After taking an officers' course, he became a commander of his unit. In May 2001, he fell in love and married Nurit. The two lived in Neve Daniel in Gush Etzion. Hagai began serving as a lieutenant colonel, while maintaining continuous contact with his soldiers. Although he was newly married, Hagai reached a joint decision with his wife to sign on to the army permanently. Hagai began in his position of lieutenant colonel and was scheduled to take the company commanders' course in November 2002. On Sunday, The first of Av, 5762 (10.7.2002), the Givati ​​forces set out on a routine mission to search for weapon smuggling tunnels in Rafah. Hagai was given charge of a patrol force responsible for carrying out the mission, and his team positioned themselves by a nearby house. The night passed relatively quietly and in the morning Hagai ordered his soldiers to prepare to move. He entered the room and placed himself in a position that would allow him to observe with minimum of exposure. Two shots were fired at the house, one bullet hit Hagai. Hagai was taken to Soroka Hospital where he was pronounced dead, at twenty-four years old. Hagai was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. On his tombstone was engraved a verse that was said of King David: "And he is a redhead with beautiful eyes and good looks" (1 Samuel 16:16, 12). He is survived by his wife, parents and five brothers and sisters. After his death he was promoted to the rank of major.

Eitan Vilozne

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • Instructor
Eitan has over 15 years of experience as both an active security officer and instructor. Prior to joining Caliber 3 Eitan served in a variety of security roles, such as a Deputy Commander of a Special Rapid Response Team, a bodyguard in the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, and as a combat shooting instructor at Ben Gurion Airport, the most protected airport on the planet.

Itzik Fuchs - COO, VP

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Member of the Management Team
  • Vice President
  • Management
In his role as Chief Operating Officer of the Caliber 3 Academy of Counter Terrorism, Defense & Security, Itzik oversees a staff of about 100 employees and contactors; manages their employment contracts; defines the firms procurement policies; and is resonsible for Corporate Assets, Facilities Maintenance, and Premises Security. Additionally, Itzik is responsible for the Financial Management of Caliber 3's Weapons and Ammunition Sales; for Customer Communications; for Civilian Relations; and for Corporate Relations with respect to The Israel Ministry of Internal Security and The Israel Police. Itizk is also a certified Shooting Range Manager in charge of the procedures for securing Caliber 3 Ranges, Weapons and our Ammunition Inventory. Before taking on the role of Caliber 3 COO, Itzik served as CEO of the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), an "independent center of thought and planning for shaping strategy for the Jewish people, in Israel and the diaspora". With over 15 years of experience managing a large staff and complex systems and processes, Itzik has launnched and managed many projects and initiatives for JPPI and for Ariel Univerity. Projects include managment of prestigious JPPI programs delivered to Senior Officers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF); delivery of academic courses in Marketing Systems to thousands of Ariel University students and captians of Israeli industries, including the heads of: Rafael; Bezeq; Israel Electric; and Celcom. Izik earned a BA in Industrial Psychology and an MBA from Ariel University, and serves as a reserve officer in the Benjamin Brigade of the IDF. He has also, for many years, been a member of local Emergency First Responder teams. In his position as Chief Operating Officer (COO), Itzik manages a staff of about 100 employees in labor and wage contracts, designs company procurement policies, is responsible for the company's assets and maintenance of buildings and for the security and safety systems of the company as a school for training and combating terrorism. Itzik is also responsible for managing the arms and ammunition trade in civil and corporate affairs with the Ministry of Internal Security and the Israel Police, and managing the range and inventory as a certified range inspector. In addition, Itzik is responsible for customer relations and manages the company's commerce. Prior to serving in this position, Itzik served as CEO of The Jewish Statesmanship Center, an institute dedicated to training leaders with stature, breadth and personal skills to lead society and the state of Israel. With over 15 years of experience in managing complex systems, staff and processes, he has established and managed diverse projects and ventures at the Jewish Statesmanship Center and Ariel University.