Angel Cervantes

Angel Cervantes has been installing glass for over 18 years and is a master glazer. All the customers love to leave awesome reviews for his work. The only complaint we've had is that once he didn't arrive at the designated time. We are working on it.

Debra French

Debra French was instrumental in running this business with Gary for over 30 years. She is truly the heart and soul of the business and is still available to solve any problems. Recently Gabriela joined the team and has already proved herself a valued employee.

Gary French

Gary French has been successfully running this business in Capistrano Beach and surrounding areas for the last 40 years. He is a master glazer and has trained all of our installers in a system that has served Southern California with fair prices and high quality installations.

Ian Wynne

Ian Wynne works in the office. He is responsible for generating quotes and guiding you through your glass purchase. Give him a call at (949) 493-0756, describe your problem and he will give you a free quote.

on Kip

Ramiro is the latest all-star to join the team. He is enthusiastic and has an attention to the details.