Updated 786 days ago
7847 12th Ave. So. Bloomington, MN 55425
We DO NOT have 'previously undocumented' nor documented proof of conspiracies regarding the: Kennedy assassination, Lincoln assassination, Illuminati & Rothschild Conspiracy, location of Hoffa's body or the face on Mars. We DO NOT have secret documents on Karl Rove, Michael Moore, Bill Clinton, Bush National Guard records, UFO's, crop circles nor occult or witchcraft sources for supernatural ceremonies and rituals involving human cloning or animal sacrifice. We DO NOT transact business in either the nude or 'babe' trade unless it is the works of Renaissance art with proper copyright permissions. We DO NOT transact business in either the celebrity or 'actress' images or photo trade unless it is classic retro-reproduction work with proper copyright permissions.
Also known as: The Color Guys, Inc.