DOCK - Key Persons

Adachi, Tomomi

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Auinger, Sam

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Badalà, Emilia

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Bader, Markus

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Baginski, Max

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Bayani, Kyan

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Bogner, Anna

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Bosshard, Andres

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Brendgens, Guido

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Cusack, Peter

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Dixon, Max

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Eastley, Max

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member


Job Titles:
  • Partner
dock is a initiative for art and media in Berlin founded with the aim to create a new backbone for production in the field of art and technology, carrying on the idea of TESLA - medialab and garage production plattform. dock represents a new type of media lab and operates as a networked platform with many local, national and international partners but without a huge administrative overhead. The production of media art demands a high degree of flexibility from its players. Their development leads a fast paced independent existence which the cumbersome instruments of institutionalized event locations could hardly do justice. dock develops a flexible, non-static form of institution instead of trying to run a permanent house with its own infrastructure. The production and presentation of projects in the field of new technology always involves a lot of resources, specialised technical needs and extremely varied requirements. This is best realized in cooperation with an existing network of micro-labs, research facilities and places of production. dock produces and supports artistic projects by providing production residencies for artists, researchers and curators, localising resources and finding partners in science and research. Beside of this, dock organises workshops, lectures and symposia. As our main interest with founding dock is to develop and test new formats for the operational modes for a media lab, our strong focus will be on new forms of collaborative praxis in production, presentation/display, distribution and mediation.

Hamlescher, Klaus

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Heyden, Mathias

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Heyer, Sonja

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Hiramatzu, Kozo

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Ishida, Daisuke

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Peter Cusack

Job Titles:
  • Artistic Director of Berlin Sonic Places
Peter Cusack is a sound artist and (improvising) musician, and is also active as a field recording artist (e.g. Baikal Ice, CD 2003) and a teacher. He is a Senior Lecturer at the London College of Communication and teaches and conducts research at other institutions, including the University of the Arts, London. In his capacity as a musician, he co-founded and directed the London Musicians' Collective and was a member of the group Alterations (with Steve Beresford, David Toop and Terry Day). The focus of his current work - which he presents in appearances and performances, radio and CD productions, lectures, exhibitions and installations - is our man-made sound environment; the works' categorical context is shaped by the conceptual approach of acoustic ecology.

Salter, Christopher

is an artist, Associate Professor for Design + Computation Arts at Concordia University in Montreal and a researcher with the Hexagram Institute for Research-Creation in Media Arts. Salter studied economics and philosophy at Emory University and received his Ph.D. in the areas of theater and computer-generated sound at Stanford University. He was also visiting professor at Brown University, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and the KhM (Cologne). After collaborating with Peter Sellars and William Forsythe/Ballett Frankfurt, he co-founded and directed the art and research organization Sponge (1997-2003), whose works stretched between performance, installation, scientific research and publication. His solo and collaborative work has been seen at such venues as the Venice Architecture Biennale, Ars Electronica, Todays Art, Villette Numerique, EMPAC, Transmediale, EXIT Festival, Place des Arts, Elektra, Shanghai Dance Festival, V2_, among others. He regularly presents at national and international conferences, has given invited talks at universities and festivals worldwide and has sat on numerous juries including NIME, ISEA and the Prix Ars Electronica. His book Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance was published in Spring 2010 from MIT Press.

Tomomi Adachi

Tomomi Adachi is a performer/composer, sound poet, instrument builder and installation artist. Known for his versatile style, he has performed improvised music and contemporary works by John Cage, Cornelius Cardew, Christian Wolff, etc. in all over the world including Tate Modern, Centre Pompidou, Merkin Hall, STEIM, Experimental Intermedia, Melbourne International Arts Festival and Flanders Festival. As the only Japanese performer of sound poetry, he performed Kurt Schwitters's "Ursonate" as a Japan premiere in 1996. Also he directed Japanese premiere of John Cage's "Europera5" in 2007. CDs include the solo album from Tzadik, Omegapoint and naya records. He stayed in New York from 2009 to 2010 as a grantee of Asian Cultural Council. He is a guest of the Artists-in-Berlin Program of the DAAD for 2012.

Torigoe, Keiko

is a musicologist and soundscape researcher and a professor at the Aoyamagakuin University in Tokyo. She has also participated various projects in the fields of environmental design and environmental education, including the Garden of Rentaroh Taki Memorial House and Preserving 100 Soundscapes of Japan. She co-translated R. Murray Schafer‘s The Tuning of the World in 1987, and his Sound Education in 1992 and wrote her own book in Japanese, Soundscape: the thought and practices.

Udo Noll

Job Titles:
  • Media
Udo Noll, media artist, born 1966, lives in Berlin and Cologne. He graduated as applied scientist / degreed engineer for photography, film and media technology at the University of Cologne. Since the mid 90s he has worked as an artist and media professional in numerous international projects and exhibitions, and is the founder of radio aporee, an open and collaborative platform for the research about sound/art and space.