Updated 913 days ago
70 Mitchell Blvd, Suite 105, San Rafael, California 94903, United States
Our office is staffed by engineering and surveying professionals with a wide range of experience in projects both large and small. The firm is unique in our degree of flexibility: we are able to successfully complete the design of a planned community as efficiently as a small design such as a driveway plan. This versatility is realized by our clients in the form of reduced turnaround time and more effective management of project expenditures... ILS Associates, Inc., formerly I.L.Schwartz Associates, Inc., provides professional services in the fields of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Land Surveying, Land Planning and Development. Founded in Marin County in 1981, we have been assisting both private and public agency clients in meeting the challenges of development in one of the most environmentally sensitive regions in the United States. Our projects represent a wide range of clients throughout Northern California. We have performed and continue to perform a broad spectrum of..
Also known as: ILS Associates, Inc.