SSL LAW FIRM - History of Changes

2025-02-12 delete address 814.6401 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 620, San Francisco, CA 94111
2025-02-12 delete fax 415.814.6401 505
2025-02-12 insert address 814.6401 1 Post Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94104
2025-02-12 insert fax 415.814.6401 1
2025-02-12 update primary_contact 814.6401 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 620, San Francisco, CA 94111 => 814.6401 1 Post Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94104
2025-01-11 delete chieflegalofficer CRAIG A. TANABE
2025-01-11 insert chieflegalofficer Stephanie Nelson-Patel
2025-01-11 delete person CRAIG A. TANABE
2025-01-11 insert person Stephanie Nelson-Patel
2024-10-09 delete chieflegalofficer Elizabeth R. Murphy
2024-10-09 delete chieflegalofficer Lisa M. Travaglini
2024-10-09 update person_title Elizabeth R. Murphy: Senior Counsel => Partner
2024-10-09 update person_title Lisa M. Travaglini: Real Estate Lawyer Responsible for Providing Strategic Legal Counsel; Senior Counsel => Real Estate Lawyer Responsible for Providing Strategic Legal Counsel; Partner
2024-09-07 delete otherexecutives IVO KELLER
2024-09-07 delete person IVO KELLER
2024-07-06 delete chieflegalofficer KIMBERLY R. MCLELLAN
2024-07-06 delete chieflegalofficer Robert Martin
2024-07-06 delete person LESLIE M. BROWNE
2024-07-06 update person_description Robert Martin => Robert Martin
2024-07-06 update person_title KIMBERLY R. MCLELLAN: SENIOR COUNSEL => PARTNER
2024-07-06 update person_title Robert Martin: Senior Counsel => Partner
2023-06-07 insert chieflegalofficer DANIEL DERSHAM
2023-06-07 insert person DANIEL DERSHAM
2023-04-28 insert chieflegalofficer STEPHANIE FOSTER
2023-04-28 insert chieflegalofficer VANESSA A. IMBERG
2023-04-28 insert person STEPHANIE FOSTER
2023-04-28 insert person VANESSA A. IMBERG
2023-01-23 delete person Kenneth N. Burns
2022-09-21 delete person TRAVIS S. THORNTON
2022-09-21 insert person Bruce R. Inman
2022-09-21 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2022-07-20 delete person Joshua R. Parr
2022-05-19 delete chieflegalofficer ANN GAFFNEY SHORES
2022-05-19 delete person ANN GAFFNEY SHORES
2022-04-17 delete person JANA COLE
2022-04-17 insert person Joshua R. Parr
2022-04-17 insert person Steven M. Spronz
2022-04-17 update person_description Maria V. Bernstein => Maria V. Bernstein
2022-04-17 update person_title MATTHEW EISENSTADT: ASSOCIATE => PARTNER
2022-04-17 update person_title Thomas S. Brown: of Counsel => PARTNER
2022-04-17 update robots_txt_status 200 => 404
2021-07-21 insert person Thomas S. Brown
2021-06-19 insert address 600 1st Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104
2021-04-05 update person_description Elizabeth L. Bridges => Elizabeth L. Bridges
2021-04-05 update person_title Maria V. Bernstein: Senior Counsel => Senior Counsel; Partner
2020-09-27 delete source_ip
2020-09-27 delete source_ip
2020-09-27 insert person David A. Upshaw
2020-09-27 insert source_ip
2020-09-27 insert source_ip
2020-09-27 update person_description Diane K. Hanna => Diane K. Hanna
2020-09-27 update person_description IVO KELLER => IVO KELLER
2020-09-27 update person_description Maria V. Bernstein => Maria V. Bernstein
2020-04-18 delete chieflegalofficer DANA STONE
2020-04-18 insert chieflegalofficer Maria V. Bernstein
2020-04-18 delete email
2020-04-18 delete person DANA STONE
2020-04-18 insert email
2020-04-18 insert email
2020-04-18 insert person Maria V. Bernstein
2020-03-19 delete source_ip
2020-03-19 insert source_ip
2020-02-17 delete chieflegalofficer TRAVIS S. THORNTON
2020-02-17 delete fax 415.814.6401 575
2020-02-17 insert address 2175 E. Francisco Blvd, Suite S San Rafael, CA 94901
2020-02-17 insert address 814.6401 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 620, San Francisco, CA 94111
2020-02-17 insert fax 415.814.6401 505
2020-02-17 update person_title TRAVIS S. THORNTON: SENIOR COUNSEL => PARTNER
2020-02-17 update primary_contact null => 814.6401 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 620, San Francisco, CA 94111
2019-12-14 delete source_ip
2019-12-14 insert source_ip
2019-12-14 insert source_ip
2019-12-14 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2019-06-14 delete person AMY E. LEHMAN
2019-04-13 insert chieflegalofficer Elizabeth R. Murphy
2019-04-13 insert person Elizabeth R. Murphy
2019-02-01 update person_title AMY E. LEHMAN: SENIOR COUNSEL => PARTNER
2019-02-01 update person_title IVO KELLER: SENIOR COUNSEL => PARTNER
2018-10-06 delete person Kathy Mills
2018-09-02 delete person Cathy L. Croshaw
2018-09-02 insert person Joseph G. Tursi
2018-09-02 insert person Kathy Mills
2018-07-25 delete person Andrew F. Brimmer
2018-07-25 delete person JODI B FEDOR
2018-05-31 delete person J. AARON DUFFY
2018-05-31 insert person Robert Martin
2018-04-08 delete person Carolina Casañas
2018-04-08 delete person Jeff Terando
2018-04-08 delete person Ryan Palmer
2018-04-08 delete person Tina Williams
2018-04-08 delete source_ip
2018-04-08 insert source_ip
2018-01-08 insert person Lisa M. Travaglini
2018-01-08 update person_title Elizabeth L. Bridges: Associate; Senior Counsel => Partner
2017-06-10 delete person KRISTIN A. HAWES
2017-05-07 insert associated_investor Equus Capital
2017-05-07 insert person DANA STONE
2017-05-07 insert person J. AARON DUFFY
2017-05-07 update person_description Amy E. Lehman => AMY E. LEHMAN
2017-05-07 update person_description Betsy Veverka => BETSY VEVERKA
2017-05-07 update person_description Craig A. Tanabe => CRAIG A. TANABE
2017-05-07 update person_description David Nelson => DAVID E. NELSON
2017-05-07 update person_description Jana Cole => JANA COLE
2017-05-07 update person_description Julie L. Bartlow => JULIE L. BARTLOW
2017-05-07 update person_description Kimberly R. McLellan => KIMBERLY R. MCLELLAN
2017-05-07 update person_description Kristin A. Hawes => KRISTIN A. HAWES
2017-05-07 update person_description Kyla K. Chin => KYLA K. CHIN
2017-05-07 update person_description Leslie M. Browne => LESLIE M. BROWNE
2017-05-07 update person_description Linda R. Jones => LINDA R. JONES
2017-05-07 update person_description Lisa Maxwell => LISA NELSON MAXWELL
2017-05-07 update person_description Matthew Eisenstadt => MATTHEW EISENSTADT
2017-05-07 update person_description Michael J. Burke => Michael J. Burke
2017-05-07 update person_description Pamela A. Lakey => PAMELA A. LAKEY
2017-05-07 update person_description Rachael Welden-Smith => Rachael Welden-Smith
2017-05-07 update person_description Travis S. Thornton => TRAVIS S. THORNTON
2017-05-07 update person_title JULIE L. BARTLOW: Senior Legal Specialist => REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST
2017-03-05 delete person Jan A. Gruen
2016-12-08 delete fax 415.814.640 575
2016-12-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2016-12-08 delete source_ip
2016-12-08 insert fax 415.814.6401 575
2016-12-08 insert source_ip
2016-12-08 update robots_txt_status 200 => 404
2016-10-12 insert person Carolina Casañas
2016-10-12 insert person Ivo Keller
2016-10-12 insert person Jeff Terando
2016-07-13 delete person Anthony Carral
2016-05-19 delete person Frank Khalil
2016-01-12 insert fax 415.814.640 575
2016-01-12 insert person Frank Khalil
2015-11-03 delete source_ip
2015-11-03 insert source_ip
2015-08-28 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2015-08-21 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2015-06-05 insert email
2015-06-05 insert person Travis S. Thornton
2015-05-07 update person_description Rachael Welden-Smith => Rachael Welden-Smith
2015-02-27 delete email
2015-02-27 delete person Benjamin Holl
2015-02-27 insert email
2015-02-27 insert email
2015-02-27 insert person Andrew F. Brimmer
2015-02-27 insert person David Nelson
2015-01-21 insert email
2015-01-21 insert person Jana Cole
2015-01-21 update person_title Amy E. Lehman: Associate; Member of the SSL Team => Member of the SSL Team; Senior Counsel
2014-12-16 delete cfo Farideh V. Afshar
2014-12-16 insert cfo Farideh Vesali
2014-12-16 delete person Farideh V. Afshar
2014-12-16 insert email
2014-12-16 insert email
2014-12-16 insert person Farideh Vesali
2014-12-16 insert person Jean Hurricane
2014-12-16 insert person Rachael Welden-Smith
2014-09-08 delete email
2014-09-08 delete person Yalda Vahdani
2014-09-08 update person_title Cecilia Diedrich: Member of the SSL Team; Receptionist; Legal Secretary => Member of the SSL Team; Legal Secretary
2014-09-08 update person_title Rebecca Truong: Member of the SSL Team; Receptionist => Member of the SSL Team; Legal Secretary
2014-07-31 delete email
2014-07-31 delete person Katayoon M. Hemati
2014-06-14 insert email
2014-06-14 insert person Cathy L. Croshaw
2014-04-30 delete email
2014-04-30 delete email
2014-04-30 delete person Corie Calfee
2014-04-30 delete person Joel K. Rubinstein
2014-04-30 delete person Melinda Stier
2014-04-30 delete source_ip
2014-04-30 insert address 200 W. Mercer Street, Suite 506 Seattle, WA 98119
2014-04-30 insert email
2014-04-30 insert email
2014-04-30 insert person Amy E. Lehman
2014-04-30 insert person Cecilia Diedrich
2014-04-30 insert source_ip
2014-04-30 update person_title Lawrence R. Ginberg: Member of the SSL Team; Senior Counsel => Member of the SSL Team; Partner
2013-08-27 delete email
2013-08-27 delete email
2013-08-27 delete email
2013-08-27 delete person Deanna Martin
2013-08-27 delete person Mary Olson
2013-08-27 delete person Shannon Avison
2013-08-27 delete phone (650) 269-0843
2013-08-27 insert phone 415-243-2698
2013-08-27 update person_description Azar Bolandgray => Azar Bolandgray
2013-08-27 update person_description Craig A. Tanabe => Craig A. Tanabe
2013-08-27 update person_description Diane K. Hanna => Diane K. Hanna
2013-08-27 update person_description Kimberly R. McLellan => Kimberly R. McLellan
2013-08-27 update person_description Lawrence R. Ginberg => Lawrence R. Ginberg
2013-08-27 update person_description Linda R. Jones => Linda R. Jones
2013-08-27 update person_description Lisa Maxwell => Lisa Maxwell
2013-08-27 update person_description Matthew Eisenstadt => Matthew Eisenstadt
2013-08-27 update person_title Craig A. Tanabe: Member of the SSL Team => Member of the SSL Team; Senior Counsel
2013-08-27 update person_title Melinda Stier: Member of the SSL Team; Counsel; of Counsel => Member of the SSL Team; Senior Counsel
2013-08-27 update person_title Ryan Palmer: Member of the SSL Team; Legal Assistant => Member of the SSL Team; IT Manager; Legal Assistant