Malia LeMond

Malia LeMond joined STI in 2001. Dr. LeMond has a Ph.D from the University of Texas at Austin in Spanish Applied Linguistics with a specialization in Second Language Acquisition. She has a Master of Art (MA) from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Art (BA) from Wellesley College. Dr. LeMond has extensive experience and skill in developing and implementing exceptional teaching methods. Currently she teaches Advanced Foreign Language Methods at UT Austin and Spanish language at St. Andrew's Upper School. Prior to that, she coordinated the first-year and second-year Spanish and Portuguese Language Program at the University of Texas. Responsibilities included curriculum and course design; the hiring and training of 100+ instructors; and the education of 3,000 students. She has taught Spanish at the university level for over 20 years including at the University of Michigan, Iowa State University and University of Cincinnati. Dr. LeMond's publications in technology and education include her dissertation: "Synchronous Computer-Supported Team-Based Spanish Language Learning" and post-doctoral research: "Successful Online Collaboration: Elements of effective online groups". Textbook publications include "Pasaporte: Spanish for Advanced Beginners" (McGraw-Hill).

Michael Dolan

Michael Dolan joined STI in 2008. Mr. Dolan holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Master (MS) and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Engineering from the University of Michigan. Mr. Dolan's passion for the education sector began while running technology businesses for Tusker Group, Toshiba, and Emerson as CEO, Senior Vice President and General Manager respectively. At all three companies, technology and education were key enablers, allowing hundreds of his employees to customize products and services for clients at a lower cost and higher quality than the mass-produced products they previously purchased. Mr. Dolan believes our education system can similarly be reengineered from today's mass-production educational model to a mass-customized learning model that allows a student to customize education to match her own learning style and pace. Examples of success he has in this area include: Improving student outcomes in Algebra by selecting, procuring, and teaching blended learning coursework for an early college public high school as well as an enriched program at a private high school.