Vita Larry Young

Larry received a B.S.Ch.E from Texas Tech in 1970. An M.S.Ch.E in 1972 and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1974 both from U. of Washington. He spent 1975 thru 1983 in the Research Department at Amoco Production Co. working in petroleum reservoir simulation and enhanced oil recovery. In 1984 he founded Reservoir Simulation Research Corp. with a principal business of development and licensing of reservoir simulation software. After selling the company in 1996 and a brief period with the successor company, he retired from full time work.

Vita Tom Young

Tom received a B.S.M.E. from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2004. Since then he has worked in mobile computing with Touchstar Solutions, design of weight training equipment with Nautilus and currently with solar energy systems first with DPW Sola and now with Unirac.