John J. Ryan

Job Titles:
  • Inventor
has 30 years of experience in the gas and electric distribution industry. In early 2000 he formed Innovative Trench Solutions, Inc. and designed and patented the TracerSpacer and TracerSpacer for Common Trench. John was only too familiar with problems associated with tracer wire and plastic gas piping. John knew first hand that there was a potential hazard if the wire made contact with the pipe or if the wire moved too far away from the pipe during backfilling accurate locating would be impossible. John was on a mission to promote the safest trenches possible. That meant introducing a simple product that would ensure a consistent separation of the tracer wire from the pipe, The TracerSpacer. Soon after that he developed the TracerSpacer for Common Trench to ensure that gas and electric installed in a common trench maintain a safe distance and do not become displaced during backfill. During his career John has seen first hand what energized tracer wire or electrical wire failures can do to plastic gas pipe. Now he is assisting utility companies around the country to achieve the safest trenches possible while doing it cost effectively.