Ron Cribbie

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Ron has been in the marine service industry for over 30 years now, with much thanks to customers, many of whom have been with us from the beginning. Nothing is more important than meeting, or exceeding, their expectations. Ron always welcomes new customers to work equally as hard for.

Ryan Fontaine

Job Titles:
  • Shop Manager
Ryan started working for us in 2006 as a yard laborer. He has attended seminars and schooling yearly since allowing him to advance to his current position. In 2012 he became the shop manager and has recently moved to general manager. Ryan is always a friendly face for our customers and does everything possible to make sure they are current on any maintenance needing to be done to maintain a safe and up to date boat and motor. His custom work on many of our customers boats shows his passion for quality work. Ryan has done all kinds of work from rebuilding hundreds of power heads to installing custom electronics and rewiring entire boats. He is competent in all aspects of gasoline and many diesel applications. He can work with you to come up with a service plan that works for you and your boating season.