EARTH ENERGY - Key Persons

Bohdan Maciej Zakiewicz

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Board of VISTON United, Swiss
Bohdan Maciej Zakiewicz, Chairman of the Board of VISTON United, Swiss, AG and Chief Technology Officer; Rector of Academy of Ecologic Mining, Germany; Principal inventor of the proprietary technologies managed by VISTON; Chairman of Geothermic Solution LLC, USA; Chairman of European Technologic Platform "Earth Energy", EU; Vice President of European Business Association, EU; President of Polish Laboratory for Radical Technologies, Poland; Chairman of International Geo-Plutonic Association, EU. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Bohdan Zakiewicz, PhD is one of the world leading authorities in key aspects of Geothermal and Geo-Plutonic Specialization, as well as: 20 years professorship in AGH Cracov.

Jaroslav Rosina

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of European Technologic Platform "Earth Energy"