KINETICS - Key Persons

Andrew Hunt - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
CITPNZ (NZ IITP - Certified IT Professional) and CMinstD (NZ IoD Chartered Director) Andrew is committed to making sure Kinetics makes a practical difference to Kiwi organisations and their staff, helping them be faster, more efficient and more effective.

Bill Lunam - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer

Connie Hunt - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer

Haider Khan

Job Titles:
  • Head of Professional Services
Originally from the UK, Haider has an LLB. (Hons) and has a Certificate in Board Direction from the NZ Institute of Directors. Haider thrives when managing diversity of thinking, background, and perspectives to create exceptional performance and outcomes. Leading our digital transformation teams, Haider helps organisations align people, process and platforms to achieve what they never thought possible.

Matt Paterson - COO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
Matt has deep experience in NZ and the UK in using technology as an enabler to business transformation. Matt's unequivocal focus is on finding and delivering solutions that deliver real, sustainable change. Using the combination of technology, process and people change, Matt has overseen very significant transformation projects, both in terms of scale and in terms of change.

Tina Moulynox

Job Titles:
  • Group Manager
  • Engineering Services Manager
Tina is an experienced group manager with many years in people leadership and over two decades in the IT Industry. As a technology leader, she's pragmatic and influential, delivering in day to day operations and continually improving services, while maintaining close relationships with partners. As a people leader, she's personable and empathic. She leverages her coaching leadership style to motivate and lead in complex environments, building high performing and highly engaged teams. Mentoring people into their chosen specialties. She has a keen eye for talent and assisting her team in reaching their potential and goals. She has a strong focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, specifically aiming to get more women into IT.