Anne Karen

Job Titles:
  • Boiten Office Manager

Jan Davids

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers
is the founder of Davids Advocaten and has been working as a lawyer since 1995. Initially, he worked as a corporate lawyer at PWC Legal Services, and following that as a lawyer at Landwell Advocaten and at Van Doorne. During that time, he developed in-depth knowledge and experience in the fields of insolvency advice, proceedings and corporate law. Jan also acts as a trustee in bankruptcies. Jan studied Law at Leiden University (1993). Jan is a member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers (INSOLAD) and has completed the Grotius/INSOLAD Insolvency Law programme. He is also a member of Insol Europe and Insol International. At the end of 2021, Jan completed the WHOA Restructuring Expert Specialisation course at Leiden University, and is available to act as a Restructuring Expert or Observer in WHOA processes.

Joris Boddaert

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Expert
  • Member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers
Joris is an expert in complex litigation and restructuring. He frequently assists foreign clients in safeguarding their rights and advancing their business interests in the Netherlands. With a passion for procedural law, he brings considerable expertise to his work. Before joining Davids Advocaten in 2014, Joris spent six years as a lawyer at Clifford Chance and Spigt Litigators. Joris studied Corporate Law at Leiden University. Joris is a member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers (INSOLAD) and has successfully completed the Grotius/INSOLAD Insolvency Law program. He is a member of the Corporate Litigation Association and the Gooische Lawyers Association. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Joris is an (unpaid) board member of an investment fund.

Laura van Driel

Job Titles:
  • Bankruptcy Administrative Assistant

Laurie van Leeuwen

Job Titles:
  • Partner

Maarten Bout Lawyer

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Mark-Hendrik de Vries

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers
Mark-Hendrik has been practising in litigation, restructuring and insolvency since 2000. He worked in Amsterdam at (Trenité) Van Doorne until 2006, then at AKD until 2011. He has extensive experience assisting companies in financial difficulties and representing directors in liability cases. He also advises shareholders, employees, financiers, suppliers and customers. As a trustee/administrator, Mark-Hendrik has overseen more than 150 bankruptcies and suspensions of payments, making him ideally equipped to assist companies in (the preliminary phase of) a bankruptcy, suspension of payment, restart or WHOA process. Mark-Hendrik studied Law (specialising in civil law and advocacy) at Groningen University. Mark-Hendrik is a member of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers (INSOLAD) and has completed the Grotius/INSOLAD Insolvency Law programme, the specialist Financial Economics for Insolvency Lawyers programme at Erasmus University, and the Postgraduate Insolvency Law programme at Amsterdam's Vrije University. He is a member of INSOL Europe (the international specialist association for insolvency law), the Dutch Corporate Litigation Association and Dutch Association for Procedural Law (NVvP).

Mary Barsoum

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Nils Reerink

Job Titles:
  • Partner

Ruben Mets Lawyer

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer

Rutger Hoogeveen

Job Titles:
  • Legal Assistent

Selver Vermeijs-Sahiner

Job Titles:
  • Bankruptcy Administrative Assistant

Shahbanu Sadiekkhan Lawyer

Job Titles:
  • Lawyer