Updated 40 days ago
- Age: 49 years
- ID: 12581456/143
420 S. Madison Avenue Yuma, Arizona 85364
HACY is an independent, public, non-profit housing agency and has a blended component unit relationship with the Arizona Housing Development Corporation (AHDC), which serves as a non-profit 501(c) 3. AHDC has a se parate Bo ard of Directo rs which is comprised of not less than five or more than nine members...
The Housing Authority of the City of Yuma (HACY) was formed in 1975 by Resolution (No. 1908) of the City Council of the City of Yuma pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes. HACY was created "to act as agent for th e City of Yuma to construct, maintain, operate and manage a housing project or projects of the City. " HACY has a Board of Commissioners comprised of seven members. Commissioners are appointed by City Council. The Executive Director is a non-voting member and serves as the Secretary/Treasurer.