HENGDELI - Key Persons

Mr. Cai Jianmin

Job Titles:
Mr. Cai Jianmin (蔡建民), is an independent non-executive Director. He graduated from the industrial accounting faculty (工業會計系) of Shanghai College of Finance and Economics(上海財經學院). Mr. Cai holds a Certificate for Professional Accountants (會計從業資格證書) in the PRC. He was senior financial management for various companies including Shanghai Hualian (Group) (上海華聯(集團)). Mr. Cai joined the Group in 2005. He is currently an independent director of Jiangsu Guotai International Group Co., Ltd. (listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 002091).

Mr. Cheung Wing Lun

Mr. Cheung Wing Lun, Tony (張泳麟), is the Chief Executive Officer. He graduated from Western Sydney University in Australia with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Finance and Management Accounting. Mr. Cheung joined the Group in 2012 and is also the president of the High-end Goods Accessories Manufacturing Division of the Group.

Mr. Huang Yonghua

Job Titles:
Mr. Huang Yonghua (黃永華), is an executive Director. He joined the Group in 2001 and is in charge of the Group's operational supervision and customer service. Mr. Huang has over 20 years of experience in the watch distribution industry in the PRC and in management.

Mr. Lee Shu Chung

Job Titles:

Mr. Liu Xueling

Job Titles:
  • Independent Non - Executive Director
Mr. Liu Xueling (劉學靈), is an independent non-executive Director. He graduated from East China Normal University in Shanghai with a doctorate degree in history. At present, he is a senior lawyer in Shanghai Tongyan Law Firm (上海市通研律師事務所). He joined the Group in 2007. He served as an independent director of Shanghai Qiangsheng Holding Co., Ltd. (listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code: 600662) in the past three years, and has retired from the position in 2020.

Mr. Shi Zhongyang

Job Titles:
  • Non - Executive Director
Mr. Shi Zhongyang (史仲陽), is a non-executive Director. Mr. Shi graduated from Nanjing University in the PRC and University of Goetting in Germany with a Master's degree in law. Mr. Shi joined The Swatch Group Limited in 2000 and joined the Group in 2006. He is currently a legal counsel of the legal department of The Swatch Group Limited.

Mr. Zhang Yuping

Job Titles:
Mr. Zhang Yuping (alia, Cheung Yu Ping) (張瑜平), is the chairman of the Board and executive Director of the Company. He is the founder of the Group and is in charge of the Group's strategic development and overall management. He has over 30 years of management experience in the mid-to-high-end internationally renowned watches and other consumer goods distribution industry. Mr. Zhang is also the director of Best Growth International Limited, the substantial shareholder of the Company.

Ms. Qian Weiqing

Job Titles:
  • Independent Non - Executive Director
Ms. Qian Weiqing (錢煒青), is an independent non-executive Director. She graduated from Massey University of New Zealand with a master degree in finance management. Ms. Qian has been engaged in financial investment for a long time and has rich experience in commodity trading. She had held positions in China International Futures Co., Ltd. and COFCO Futures Co., Ltd..

Ms. Tan Li

Ms. Tan Li (談麗), is the vice president of Hengdeli Group and secretary to the Board and is in charge of the Board office and human resources of the Group. Ms. Tan graduated from Nanjing Normal University (南京師範大學) with a Master of Arts degree. She joined the Group in 2001. Before joining the Group, Ms. Tan taught at the branch college of Peking University in China.