Updated 915 days ago
4357 Montgomery Drive, Suite D Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Ward Levy Appraisal Group is the premier commercial appraisal firm serving the entire North San Francisco Bay Area, with an emphasis on Sonoma County. We have a staff of appraisers with over 75 years of combined commercial appraisal experience. Our appraisers have performed over 4,000 appraisals of nearly every property type and complexity and for every conceivable purpose. The appraisers are Certified General Appraisers licensed by the State of California Office of Real Estate Appraisers and are Designated Members (MAI) or Associate Members of the Appraisal Institute... Ward Levy Appraisal Group is a California Certified Small Business Enterprise (Certification ID : 2001185)... At Ward Levy Appraisal Group, we pride ourselves in producing a quality appraisal report that is without equal. We have the resources available to us to complete assignments quickly while at the same time producing an appraisal report that will withstand any and all scrutiny. Unlike some of the larger firms,..
Associated domains: wardlevy.com