INSPIRIT - Key Persons

Krasimir Donchev - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner
Krasimir Donchev has 25+ years of experience in IT, business management, consultancy, and solutions architecture. He is one of the first three Certified ITIL Service Managers and one of the first five Microsoft Certified Trainers in Bulgaria. He also has significant experience with workshops, seminars, and public speaking.

Margarita Naumova - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Principal
  • Trainer
Margarita Naumova Founder & CEO | Chief SQL Architect | Training Author & Principal Trainer Margarita Naumova is a Microsoft Certified Master on SQL Server, a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, and a Microsoft Certified Trainer. She is also the leader of the Bulgarian SQL Server user group and an internationally acclaimed SQL Server speaker and trainer. CONTACT MARGARITA NAUMOVA ON LINKEDIN

Vili Koleva

Job Titles:
  • Training Manager
Vili Koleva is in charge of SQL Master Academy, the training center of Inspirit. She is also at the center of initiatives like SQL Server Discovery Day, Summer DBA Academy, and all other events and initiatives by Inspirit.